Friday, May 24, 2013

Our Wedding Programs

Well guys, I am getting married this weekend. Our 14 month engagement is finally at an end! But what would a wedding be without some last minute DIY crafts? I made these programs and had them printed at a local print shop for cheap. With a dedicated assembly line including my dad, Mr. C, and myself we were able to assemble 80 of these wedding program fans last night. We tied on little blue, cream, and pink ribbons to tie in with our wedding colors. I ran out this afternoon and bought a basket to put them in for the ceremony. And here is the final product:

I used the wreaths and cameo graphics that I made for our save-the-dates so that made these pretty simple to create. I was really inspired by the layout that Mrs. Bunting created for her wedding programs and used that as a guide for ours.

The front of the fan program.

I bought the fan sticks from Daisy Days. They are a little more expensive than your average popsicle stick, but the idea was that we would only need one sheet of paper to slip into a pre-cut slot (see the website link to see what I mean) and it would save us money on having two pages printed and the double-sided tape. Wrong! 100lb paper is way too flimsy to serve as a fan, but paper any thicker would probably break the little fan slot. In fact, I broke one by accident just fiddling with one sheet of 100lb paper! This is just a heads up in case you were considering buying these fan handles. They are cute though, but maybe not worth the extra cost. We ended up attaching the paper the old fashioned way, basically exactly as described by Mrs. Bunting in her post, but we used regular double-sided tape and it seems to be working fine. 

The back of the fan program. 
I know it seems crazy to be doing so much before the wedding, but I've had plenty of time to relax too. I've been going to the pool to get just a bit of sun and I had a 75 minute "deep sleep" massage yesterday that was absolutely amazing. My biggest stress factor right now is the fact that we have NO time after our wedding to pack before leaving for our honeymoon on Monday. So I am simultaneously finishing some projects, trying to keep the apartment from looking like a disaster area, spending time with family, AND doing laundry and frantically packing for the honeymoon. It's a little stressful! But it looks like the weather is going to be amazing (0% chance of rain -- that's a number I like!) and low humidity which is great for Georgia. I just can't wait to marry my best friend! 

I am still making a chalk board seating chart tonight too, but after that we are done!! Let the festivities begin! Did you have any last minute wedding crafting to do before your wedding? 

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